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Meditation Art

Booking Started!

1- 10 November


Painting is the mirror of our inner landscape.
Everything can be seen in the painting,  the kind of space you are in and

what is happening inside.

In this way of abstract painting our body, the energy easily connects colors and water to help explore our emotions, feelings, sensitivity, breaking beliefs or conditioning which we have acquired from the outside world. 

It is a beautiful way to break away from the mind´s power over us by being spontaneous

with our energy and expressing our authentic truth.

Then the art can bring great healing, joy, love and profound insights into our consciousness and all life situations. 

Follow Your Energy!


When we connect with our creative inner child we forget about the past and future

while enjoying the present moment and follow our spontaneous life energy.  

That is the time your mind disappears but the body gets energized and the heart sings your own song!

Play like an innocent child!


During the process we may face what is actually blocking or disturbing our creativity.
For example our inner voice will sometimes tell us..


"I´m not enough."

"I don´t know how to be creative."

"If I do this what will others say ?"

"Others are always better than me..."


Many times the inner criticism and judgements comes from our subconscious programming during childhood. 

We are going to investigate it with a variety of exercises, meditations,
therapies, conscious touch and body movements and

intimate sharing with friends to explore our highest potential.

It is not necessary to have an experience of Art or painting before hand. 
The workshop is for people who wish to be more conscious and find a way of bringing creativity
your daily life, work and any relationships.

Everyone is born with love. 

Everyone is born to be creative.


Welcome to live your creativity!


Play with Colors by Kantu

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